Life finds a way of throwing us curveballs. Many times we can handle them ourselves. Other times we need a little bit of help. That’s where we come in.


Faith Transitions

Reevaluating long-held beliefs in Utah County can feel like a "dark night of the soul." Faith transition therapy can help you find your bearings, discover your values, and find connection with loved ones. Learn more about our work with faith transitions here.


Anxiety can often feel like traversing through a challenging "mental maze." Therapy can offer a guiding light to help you find peace and untangle the mental mess.

Shame + Worth

Shame grows in the dark. Therapy can assist you in finding the internal guide within who can help you finally feel a sense that you are truly "enough."


Anger is information. It tells us that what happened to us or to others is wrong. Therapy can help to gently look at the thorn beneath the hurt so you can live in harmony with yourself and others.

Meet the Team

Marc Oslund



Acceptance + Commitment Therapy (ACT)

Suffering is a natural part of the human experience. And the natural attempt to control or eliminate it often leads to more distress. ACT aims to enhance psychological flexibility, encouraging individuals to accept their thoughts and feelings while committing to actions aligned with their values.

Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT)

We are good inside. And we can benefit from developing self-compassion, especially when dealing with shame, self-criticism, and emotional difficulties. CFT integrates cognitive behavioral techniques with mindfulness and compassionate training to helping people build a more supportive relationship with themselves.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are interconnected. In CBT, we set specific goals, learn about the connection between thoughts and emotions, and practice new ways of thinking. The focus is on solving problems, managing stress, and making lasting changes to improve mental well-being.

Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT)

Sometimes it’s more effective to focus on solutions rather than problems. Through targeted conversations, you'll pinpoint your goals, leverage your successes, and craft practical strategies for progress. By emphasizing your strengths, resilience, and possibilities, SFBT can help facilitate lasting transformation in a shorter timeframe.


  • We currently work with individuals located in Utah ages 16+. Sessions can be online or in person and run 50 minutes.

    Our standard rate is $150 for a 50 minute session.

    Sliding scale options are available for college-aged adults (18-26) by request.

    You can schedule therapy here.

  • We do not currently accept insurance. Instead, we can provide you with a receipt (aka a "superbill") if you'd like to seek reimbursement from your insurance on your own. You can read more about about superbills here.

    This site can help you look up a quick estimate of what your insurance may reimburse. Marc’s NPI number is 1548031040.

  • We are happy to meet for a brief, 10 minute free phone consultation to see if we would be a good fit together.

    You can schedule this here.

  • We are happy to offer:

    Mental health training for schools, educators, students

    Public speaking engagements (including school assemblies)

    Phone consultations for those exploring social work or education in both bachelors or masters programs

    Managerial training for businesses

    Contact us here for more information.


At Guest House Therapy, we help people welcome and embrace all of life's visitors.


  • You can schedule an appointment here. We’re looking forward to working with you!

  • Our default rate is $145 for a 50 minute session.

    Sliding scale options are available for college-aged adults (18-26) by request.

    We currently work with individuals located in Utah ages 16+. Sessions can be online or in person and run 50 minutes.

  • We are genuinely in awe that you've chosen to start this therapeutic journey and we are inspired by your courage — truly!

    Before beginning, you may want to take some time to reflect on your reasons for seeking therapy and what you hope to achieve. Consider jotting down key points, concerns, or questions you want to discuss during your sessions.

    It might help to familiarize yourself with the type of therapy you'll be receiving.

    Understanding these “modalities” can alleviate any uncertainties and help you feel more at ease during your sessions.

    Having some extra time for some gentle self-care before and after the session may also be helpful as you prepare yourself for therapy.

    Lastly, consider reaching out to friends or loved ones for support, if you feel comfortable doing so. Having a strong support system can provide encouragement and reassurance as you begin your journey towards personal growth and healing.

  • Discovering the right therapist is more than just finding someone who listens well; it's about establishing a genuine connection and feeling supported in your journey towards healing and growth.

    A great therapist is someone you trust completely, someone with whom you can share your deepest thoughts and emotions without fear of judgment. They should create a safe and nurturing space where you feel heard, understood, and respected.

    A good “fit” allows you to express your needs openly, whether it's asking for more clarification, requesting a change in approach, or voicing disagreement. The “right” therapist should welcome these conversations and adapt their approach to best meet your needs.

    Therapy might get a bit uncomfortable when delving into tough thoughts and emotions, but you should always feel safe and cared for with your therapist.

    In a nutshell, trust your instincts – if something feels off or you're not getting what you need, bring it up. It could indicate a mismatch with your therapist, or it might spark a beneficial conversation that helps both of you move forward. You deserve to have exceptional therapy and that starts with a great relationship.